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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I really like golden eggs. Who am I?
The Farmer
I like to grow melons. Who am I?
The Elephant
I like new clothes every day. Who am I?
The Emperor
I lay golden eggs. Who am I?
The Goose
What is the moral of the story in The Boy who Cried Wolf?
If you lie too much, people will stop trusting you.
What is the moral of the story Anansi Goes Fishing?
When you show people who you are, they keep thinking that you are that way. So if you are always well behaved, people will think that. If you lie all the time,
What is the story where the little girl makes fun of the king?
The Emperor's New Clothes
In the story The Emperor's New Clothes, what was the lesson or moral of the story?
The moral of this story is that we can't let pride keep us from speaking up when we know the truth.
What is the title of the story where the milk spills?
The Milkmaid
In the story the Milkmaid, what was the lesson or moral of the story?
Focus on what you're doing... don't get distracted by your thoughts. or Don't count on the money until you have it in your hands.
In the story Fox and the Grapes, what was the lesson or moral of the story?
Don't be sour if you can't get what you want.
Fox can't reach the grapes.Title?
The Fox and the Grapes