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FCE Paper 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When writing your introduction for an essay, what should be included?
express the reason for writing the essay & briefly indicate your point of view
If you were writing a review on a restaurant, what do you believe the people who are reading it would like to know?
what sort of restaurant is it? / What is food like? / is it expensive?
In which type of writing would you need to use a lot more adjectives than most others?
A Review
In which type of writing do you have more creative freedom with the title and content?
In a report, which paragraph would you write your recommendations?
The final paragraph is usually given the topic recommendations
When writing an article do you write in a formal or informal way?
Informal (most of the time)
Which type of writing can you give sub-heading for each paragraph?
A Report
List some grammatical structures you would likely see in an essay?
Conditionals, relative clauses, comparatives/superlatives, linking words
How many paragraphs should you be using when writing an essay for the FCE?
How long do you have to complete paper 2?
80 minutes
How many options do we get when we are looking at paper 2 part 2?
3 options
What type of writing is always part 1 of paper 2?
What is the exact word count for the FCE? (minimum & maximum words)
140 - 190 words