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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Samuel / speak three foreign languages. (+ / - / ? / ? how many)
Samuel can speak 3 languages. / Samuel can't speak 3 languages. / Can Samuel speak 3 languages? / How many languages can Samuel speak?
The baby / run fast. (+ / - / ? / ?what)
The baby can run fast. / The baby can't run fast. / Can the baby run fast? / What can the baby do?
People / drive on this road. (+ / - / ? / ? where)
People can drive on this road. / People can't drive on this road. / Can people drive on this road? / Where can people drive?
You / leave your bag here. (+ / - / ? / ?where)
You can leave your bag here. / You can't leave your bag here. / Can you leave your bag here.? / Where can you leave your bag?)?
Her son / ride a bike (+ / - / ? / ? what)
Her son can ride a bike. / Her son can't ride a bike. / Can her son ride a bike? / What can her son ride?
She / cook soup well (+ / - / ? / ? what)
She can cook soup well. / She can't cook soup well. / Can she cook soup well? / What can she cook well?