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February 2021
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Which branch does a US President stay at? A) Executive Branch B) Judicial Branch C) Legislative Branch
A) Executive Branch
What was the name of the secret hiding place that Anne Frank hid in? A) Hidden Annex B) The Annex C) Hiding Annex D) Secret Annex
D) Secret Annex
Who wrote a famous diary when hiding from the Nazi? A) Annie Frank B) Anne Frank C) Anna Frank D) Hannah Frank
B) Anne Frank
What is Salvador's Chinese Zodiac animal?
What is Lukas' Chinese Zodiac animal?
What is Juan Pablo's Chinese Zodiac animal?
What is Shinjo's Chinese Zodiac animal?
This Lunar New Year celebrates the year of: A) Rabbit B) Ox C) Rat D) Pig
B) Ox
What is the name of the legendary monster that Chinese people scare away using firecrackers? A) Naan B) Nan C) Nian D) Nien
C) Nian
When is Lunar New Year for 2021? A) February 5 B) February 12 C) February 19 D) February 26
B) February 12
1,001 + 452 will give you what kind of answer? A) Even B) Odd C) None of the above
A) Odd
145 + 625 will give you what kind of answer? A) Even B) Odd C) None of the above
A) Even
The number 266 is what kind of number? A) Even B) Odd
A) Even
Which of the following numbers is even? A) 11 B) 33 C) 35 D) 74
D) 74
Which of the following food are a good choice to keep the body healthy? A) Cookies B) Soda C) Chips D) Vegetables
D) Vegetables
Where does the first stage of the digestive system takes place? A) In your mouth B) In your stomach C) In your intestines
A) In your mouth
Which does not belong to the digestive system? A) Mouth B) Esophagus C) Tongue D) Eyes
D) Eyes
What carries blood back to the heart from the body? A) Artery B) Vein
B) Vein
Which carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body? A) Artery B) Vein
A) Artery
What carries nutrients and oxygen to all parts of your body?
How big is a human heart? A) The size of a golf ball B) The size of a fist C) The size of your foot D) The size of a car
B) The size of a fist
What special muscle pumps blood throughout the body?
How do we make muscles stronger? A) By sleeping in all day B) With exercise C) By watching movies
B) With exercise
What does the Muscular System do? A) It makes all the parts of your body move B) It pumps blood throughout your body C) It helps to get energy from foods that we eat
A) It makes all the parts of your body move
Which system involves pumping blood, oxygen and nutrients around your body? A) Digestive System B) Skeletal System C) Muscular System D) Circulatory System
D) Circulatory System
What is the character's name in our chapter readings? A) Sydney B)Sidney C) Cindy
B) Sidney