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Forms of Energy Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In a circuit, what does the switch do?
open and closes the circuit - turns the light on and off
What type of energy toasts the marshmallow?
thermal energy
what energy does the guitar produce when played?
sound energy
A circuit is constructed using a battery, string, and a light bulb. What is a likely reason that explains why the circuit does not produce light?
A string does not conduct energy
Metal, wood, plastic, glass. Which of these materials is the best at conducting thermal energy?
What form of energy does the mixer use to blend ingredients?
mechanical energy
What is the acronym we use to remember the 5 forms of energy?
Casey has a light bulb and a battery. What material could be used to complete the circuit and light the bulb?
Various answers: Metal/wire
A circuit is composed of a lightbulb, a conducting wire, a battery, and a switch. What occurs when the switch is closed?
The light bulb WILL light
A circuit is composed of a lightbulb, a conducting wire, a battery, and a switch. What occurs when the switch is open??
The bulb WILL NOT light
Give an example of something that transfers electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Answers will vary
Give an example of something that gives off light and thermal energy.
Answers will vary
Give an example of something that produces sound energy without using electrical energy.
Answers will vary
Give an example of something that produces mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, and sound energy.
Answers will vary
Can a plastic string be used to complete a circuit?