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Household chores and Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is called Natural Science's Unit 3?
Health and illness
Tareas del hogar
Household chores
Vosotros habéis viajado a Francia
You have travelled to France
Tú no has sacado la basura
You haven't taken out the rubbish
My brother has put away the shopping
Mi hermano ha sacado (colocado) la compra
Where is the vacuum cleaner?
¿Dónde está la aspiradora?
They have watered the plants
Ellos han regado las plantas
Yo no he cortado el césped
I haven't cut the grass
Él ha hecho la cama
He has made the bed
Have you hung out the clothes?
¿Has tendido la ropa?
We have swept the kitchen's floor
Nosotros hemos barrido el suelo de la cocina
She hasn't tidied up her room
Ella no ha recogido su habitación
Have I done my homework?
¿Yo he hecho mis deberes?
You have washed the windows and the car
Tú has limpiado las ventanas y el coche
El ha puesto el lavavajillas
He has loaded the dishwasher
Ellos no han limpiado tus zapatos
They haven't cleaned your shoes
¿Ha alimentado (ella) a mis mascotas?
Has she fed my pets?
¿Habéis puesto la mesa?
Have you laid the table?
¿Has lavado mi coche?
Have you washed my car?