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All about Maps - 3rd grade social studies

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grid lines on a map
help you locate places on a map.
are not very useful.
A cartographer is a
map maker
cart maker
The equator is a
latitude line that divides the earth into two parts.
longitude line that divides the earth into two parts.
The prime meridian is a
longitude line that divides the earth into two parts.
latitude line that divides the earth into two parts.
Name the 5 oceans of the world
Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Southern
Mississippi, Ganges, Amazon, Sepik, Zambezi
Name the 7 continents of the world
N. Am, S. Am, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
Canada, USA, Mexico, England,
The intermediate directions are:
Northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest
North, south, east, west
Maps use symbols, such as lines, colors and shapes,
to stand for real places on the earth.
add interesting shapes to maps.
A map key
explains what the symbols on a map mean.
helps you understand distances on a map.
A compass Rose
shows the cardinal directions, N,S,E,W on a map
helps you understand distances on a map
A map scale helps you understand
distances on a map
shows the cardinal directions
Lines of latitude and longitude are important because they
help people find a specific location on a map.
help make it easier to play games with maps.
The lines that run across a map are lines of
The lines on a map that run up and down are called lines of