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Countries and nationalities

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Scotland, Scottish, Scots/English, Edinburgh
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Argentina, Argentinian, Spanish, Buenos Aires
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Czech Republic, Czech, Chech, Prague
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
England, English, English, London
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Poland, Polish, Polish, Warsaw
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Brazil, Brazilian, Portugese, Brazilia
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Switzerland, Swiss, German, Bern
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
South Korea, Korean, Korean, Seoul
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Portugal, Portuguese, Portuguese, Lisbon
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Turkey, Turkish, Turkish, Ankara
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Romania, Romanian, Romanian, Bucharest
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Ireland, Irish, English/Irish, Dublin
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Germany, German, German, Berlin
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Egypt, Egyptian, Arabic, Cairo
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Mexico, Mexican, Spanish, Mexico City
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Japan, Japanese,Japanese,Tokyo
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Brazil, Brazilian, Portuguese, Brasilia
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Australia, Australian, English, Canberra
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Ukraine, Ukrainian, Ukrainian, Kyiv
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Spain, Spanish, Spanish,Madrid
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
India, Indian, Hindi/English, New Dehli
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
France, French, French, Paris
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
The UK, British, English, London
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Italy, Italian, Italian, Rome
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
China, Chinese, Chinese, Beijing
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality? What's the capital of ...?
Canada, Canadian, English/French, Ottawa
Where are you from? What language do you speak? What's your nationality?What's the capital of ...?
The USA, American, English, Washington