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"Foul" by Paul Hoblin Chapter 1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this move called in basketball?
What happens when the main character gets ready to take a free throw?
He gets nervous
Where is the story set?
Bridgewater High School
What do the fans do when the main character steps up to take a free throw?
Who is at the game that makes the main character so stressed?
College recruiter
What happens at the end of the chapter?
He misses a free throw.
How would you describe the main character?
Confident, cocky, talented, etc...
How does the main character describe Cindy Williams?
What part of basketball if the main character really bad at?
Free Throws
What is the main character's nickname?
Is the main character good at basketball?
How did the main characters parents die?
Car Crash
What is the name of the main character's best friend?
What is the name of the main character?
Ryan Johnson
How much does the main character weigh?
250 Pounds
How tall is the main character?
7 Feet
How old is the main character?