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Lab Safety

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: Students are allowed to use the sink if they ask for permission.
Locate the fire extinguisher in this room.
Against the wall to the left when you enter the room.
Why is it important to clean the lab area clean and organized?
-So we know where materials are at all times. -To avoid spills. -To avoid breakage. -So materials last longer. -Increases safety in the classroom etc.
What happens if you do not get your lab safety contract signed?
You will not be able to participate in the lab.
List 2 accidents that could occur if a student does not follow one of the lab safety procedures.
They could hurt themselves. They could hurt a peer. They could break something, etc.
How many days do you have to get your Lab Safety Contract signed?
7 days- 1 week from today.
Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in the student being dismissed from all future lab activities and attending ISS for all remaining labs.
Third Violation.
Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in dismissal from class, ISS Room, loss of lab credit, call home, &a meeting with the parent + child + teacher prior to the student re-entering the lab?
Second Violation.
Which violation (the first, second, or third) results in dismissal from class, the ISS Room, loss of lab credit, and a phone call home?
First violation.
When working with specimens such as preserved animals, what should students do once the lab is over- especially before lunch?
Wash their hands!
At the end of the lab activity, what should students do if their hands came in contact with chemicals?
Wash their hands!
When using sharp objects (scissors, pins, tacks, etc.) in which direction should you direct the sharp edge?
Away from you.
What should a student do if they accidentally break glassware?
Report the accident to the teacher right away.
True or false: If your pencil is behind a flame, it is okay to quickly reach across that flame if you are careful.
False- Never reach across a flame.
True or false: Students are encouraged to "try out" experiments that have not been assigned because it improves science skills.
False- Students are not permitted to try out experiments that have not been assigned.
True or false: You can wear baggy clothes in the lab if you properly secure them (for example- rolling up your sleeves).
Show the teacher and other students where the safety googles are.
Front right side of the classroom.
True or false: It is okay to sit on the lab desk or lab counter if you ask for permission.
False- students are not permitted to sit on the desk or counter.
True or false: It is okay to eat or drink in the lab if you ask first.
False! You must eat or drink outside the classroom.
If an accident injures your teacher, who should you immediately contact?
The school nurse.
After the lab is over, what should we do before we store the dirty glassware?
Clean the glassware.
If an accident or injury happens during class, what should the students do?
Report it immediately to the teacher.
When doing a lab, what should students do with their personal belongings?
Move them away from the lab area.
Why can't students eat or drink in the lab?
Due to cross contamination/ it is dangerous.
Prior to starting an experiment, what should students read?
The directions for that lab.
What should students with long hair do when working with chemicals, flames, and lab equipment?
Tie back their hair.
What MUST you be wearing at all times when working with chemicals, burners, or glassware?
Safety Googles.