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Graphs and Data

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do the numbers going up the side of the graph represent?
how many hours Ben does of each activity
Make one prediction about this graph.
various answers
What does the s represent on the graph?
Which subject has the most votes? How many votes does the most well liked subject have?
8 votes
Do more kids have cats or dogs?
If there are 8 kids with dogs and 2 kids with birds, how many more kids have dogs than birds?
6 kids
If one symbol is equal to 10 people in this pictograph, how many people are in Spain?
30 people
If one symbol is equal to 10 people on this pictograph, how many people are in France?
50 people
What was the least liked cookie?
Circle the key on this graph!
at the bottom
How many people like gingersnaps the best?
4 people
This graph shows the number of red-boxes sold. Which day sold 5 red-boxes?
This graph shows the number of red-boxes sold. Which day had the most number of red-boxes sold?
What type of graph is this?
What was the second most liked fruit?
This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the blueberry is the nicest fruit?
This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the banana is the nicest fruit?
What kind of graph is this?
bar graph
What is the title of this graph?
Bar graph
How many more people like apples better than oranges