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Input Output devices

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What are the two types of projectors?
digital light projectors (DLP) AND LCD projectors
These are used to project computer output onto larger screens or even onto interactive whiteboards.
These printers are primarily used in COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) applications. They can produce solid objects which actually work.
These type of printers are best for one-off photos or where only a few pages of good quality, color printing are needed.
A type of printer that uses dry powder ink rather than liquid ink and make use of the properties of static electricity to produce the text and images.
These are devices that allow computer images to be displayed on a whiteboard using a digital projector.
Interactive whiteboards
This device converts physical values into discrete digital values.
These devices are used to read or measure physical properties.
This allows simple touch to launch an application or to carry out many of the functions of pointing devices such as a mouse.
Touch screens
It is used to input sound to a computer which is either built into the computer or are external devices connected through the USB port or using wireless connectivity.
This contains a tactile sensor which allows the user to control a cursor by simply moving a finger over the surface of the pad.
Touch pad
This is the most common pointing device with a mechanical ball arrangement; connected to the computer through a USB port
It is a kind of injury caused by frequent use of keyboard in hand or wrists..
This is the most common device used for data entry. They are used as the input device on computers, tablets, mobile phones and many other electronic items.
This device is used to read matrix of filled-in dark squares on a light background that can hold over 7000 digits.
This device is used to read series of dark and light parallel lines of varying thickness that represent information.
Barcode readers/scanners
This device is used in medical fields to create a 3D image of a solid objects for examples in xrays, MRI and more. .
computed tomographic (CT) scanners
Give 5 special face features being scanned using 2D Scanners
• distance between the eyes • width of the nose • shape of the cheek bones • length of the jaw line • shape of the eyebrows
This device is used at airports to to read details of passengers from passports
2D Scanners
This program allows the scanned text from the document to be converted into a TEXT FILE FORMAT.
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Film recorder/Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Laser Printer/Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Inkjet Printer/Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
3d Printer/Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Interactive whiteboard/Input and Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Touch screen/ Input and Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Touch pad/Input
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Digital Camera/Input and Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Web camera/Output
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
QR Code reader/Input
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?
Barcode reader or scanner/Input
What is the name of this device? Is Input or Output?