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Would You Rather Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather live in a tree or in a cave?
Would you rather work in a high-paying job that you hate or in a low wage job you love?
Would you rather always feel hot or always feel cold?
Would you rather have nine toes or eleven toes?
Would you rather kiss a random stranger on the mouth or use a family member's toothbrush?
Would you rather give up pizza or give up coffee forever?
Would you rather give up social media or Netflix?
Would you rather kiss a random stranger on the mouth or use a family member's toothbrush?
Would you rather a best friend or five really good friends?
Would you rather be intelligent but poor or stupid but rich?
Would you rather live next to a graveyard or next to a haunted house?
Would you rather have unlimited knowledge or unlimited wealth?
Would you rather understand what everyone is thinking or see everyone’s future?
Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose all your hair?
Would you rather spend eight hours listening to someone scratch a chalkboard with their nails or have a mosquito buzzing around your head as you try to sleep each night for a month?
Would you rather have long hair growing out of your nose or long hair growing out of your ears?
Would you rather have your perfect body but be poor or have a body your never satisfied with but be rich?
Would you rather be able to see your own future or be able to see other people's future?
Would you rather find a hidden camera in your bathroom or in your bedroom?
Would you rather spend the rest of your life without music or without movies?
Would you rather have a song that you hate stuck in your head or an itch you can't reach for a year?
Would you rather kiss a poisonous snake or a crocodile?
Would you rather receive $500 each time you make someone laugh or $10
Would you rather burn your tongue or burn the top of your mouth?