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Science 2 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does the Earth get most of its heat and light energy?
What kind of electricity flows in a circuit?
Current electricity
Why is gravity important?
Answer may vary.
How does electricity help us?
It gives power to some objects.
You see things because light will reflect or bounce off things around you. True or false?
It is how high or low something is. Fast vibrations make high ________, slow vibrations make sounds with a low ____________.
These move to our eardrum so we can hear the sound of an object. These can be produced when you strum a guitar, or when bells on the alarm clock are hit.
What do you use to measure your temperature?
This is a measure of how hot or cold something is. This can be measured using a thermometer.
It is something that gives off heat when it burns. What is it?
This is the form of energy that can be heard. What is this energy?
Sound Energy
Give one form of energy.
Sound / Light / Electricity / Heat
What happens if the magnet's NORTH POLE faces the NORTH POLE of another magnet?
The magnets will repel each other.
Give an object that is repelled by magnet.
Crayon/button (answers may vary)
Give an object that is attracted to a magnet.
Nails/screws (answers may vary)
What are the two poles of a magnet?
North Pole and South Pole
It can attract or repel some objects. It has poles. What is it?
It tells us how far something moves in a certain amount of time. It lets us know how fast or slow something is. What is this?
This is the force that slows down things. It happens when two things rub together.
When you let go of a ball, it falls. This is because of a force that pulls down on everything on Earth. What is this force?
It is a form of energy that makes some things work. You use this everyday to power appliances.
This tells us where something is located. What is this?
This is a form of energy that lets us see. What is this energy?
This is where the electricity moves along. What do you call this path?
This can either be a push or pull.