Edit Game
Level 6 Progress test

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Making nouns: There has been a ____________ in the number of trains in service. (reduce)
Making nouns: My cousin is a very talented ___________. (violin)
Making nouns: She spent most of her __________ in Scotland. (child)
Future perfect simple & Future continuous: Which one of these grammar points do we use to talk about things that WILL or WON'T be completed before a definite future time?
Future perfect
Articles: Give one example (or more if possible) for when we use the zero article
Streets, villages, towns, cities, countries, lakes, mountains, generalisations with plural/uncountable & abstract nouns
Articles: Explain the difference between THE & A/AN
The - to be specific (definite) / A/An - to talk in general (indefinite)
Past perfect simple & continuous: Julie didn't arrive until after I _________ (leave).
had left
Past perfect simple & continuous: I ___________ (work) all day, so I didn't want to go out...
had been working
Modifying comparatives: Which words can we use to modify a superlative to show a big difference?
By far, easily
Modifying comparatives: Which words can we use to modify a comparative to show a big difference?
Far, much, a lot
Modifying comparatives: Can you give an example of a comparative to show the two things are equal
Questions: Can you give an example of a yes/no question
The first word of the question should be either a Modal verb or an Auxiliary verb (do/be/have) - Are you going to the party tonight?
Questions: When would we use an indirect question?
When we don't know the person / polite
Present perfect simple & continuous: She ___________ (send) over 50 emails today.
has sent
Present perfect simple & continuous: The kitchen is a complete mess! What_____________ (the children/do)?
Have the children been doing
Family & Relationships; Which word do we use to replace brother or sister?
Obligation & Ability: Which modal verb do we use to talk about prohibition?
Obligation & Ability: Which two modal verbs do we use to talk about ability in the past?
Could(n't) / was(n't) able to
Obligation & Ability: Which modals verb do we use to talk about ability in the present?
Can / Can't