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U5 W1-2 Vocabulary Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal would you want to CAPTURE to show to your mom on Valentine's Day? (then you set it free after)
Teacher Lindsey's answer: a firefly
What's the most BRILLIANT gift you can think of for Valentine's Day?
Teacher Lindsey's answer: quality time
If you found out that someone ate all of your Valentine's Day candy, who would you ACCUSE?
Teacher Lindsey's answer: all of my students! (if we were in person)
Do you think Saint Valentine was an ACTUAL person?
Teacher Lindsey's answer: I'm not sure, but I think so!
Which CONTINENT would you like to travel to for Valentine's Day?
Teacher Lindsey's answer: Europe
If you could get a Valentine's Day basket that CONTAINS chocolate, what kind of chocolate would you want?
Teacher Lindsey's answer: dark chocolate!
I made a card for my mom and I drew a __________ around it out of little hearts.
Across the ____________ of Europe, people celebrate Valentine's Day in different ways.
Santiago's __________ is normally pretty sunny, so a picnic would be a great way to spend Valentine's Day.
Going to McDonald's on Valentine's Day?? That's a _________ idea!
My grandma got me a bear for Valentine's Day! No, it's not an _________ bear.
She looked at the heart shaped donut like a _________ watches its prey.
For Valentine's Day, I want to _________ a butterfly in a jar and show it to my mom. Don't worry, I will set it free afterwards.
All around the __________, people show their love for each other on Valentine's Day.
Don't _______ me of eating all of your Valentine's Day candy, it wasn't me!
For Valentine's Day, I'm going to the _________ to watch the sunset on the beach.