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Money vocabulary (Complete Advanced page 80)
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What are fivers and tenners?
£5 and £10 notes e.g. "How much for the painting?" "I could let it go for a tenner."
A buck is American slang term meaning 'dollar.' What is the British equivalent?
quid e.g. 'Could you please lend me ten quid?'
Name the idiom from the picture
Tighten your belt
Name the idiom from the picture
break the bank
Name the idiom from the picture
Hold the purse strings
Name the idiom from the picture
Spending money like water
Name the idiom from the picture
Pay through the nose (for something)
Name the idiom from the picture
Money doesn't grow on trees
Name the idiom from the picture
Paid peanuts
Name the idiom from the picture
To have cash to burn
Name the idiom from the picture
Put your money where your mouth is