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PEERS Joining and Exiting Conversations

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What are the steps to joining a group conversation?
Listen and watch, use a prop, identify the topic, find a common interest, move closer, wait for a pause, mention the topic.
Is the guy in this photo listening to the speaker? If not, how do you know?
No, he is not looking at her and his body is turned away.  He looks bored.  
When talking to someone, where should you be looking?
Look at the person you are talking to so that they know that you are interested.
This guy is trying to show his friend a video on his phone. Is she listening?  How can you tell?
No, she is not.  Her body is turned away from him.  She looks bored.
If your friend is telling you something, and you have something that you want to say, should you wait for a pause or talk over them?
Wait for a pause. Friends won't want to talk with you if you are always interrupting.
A group is talking about the video game that they all like to play. Would this be a good time to walk up and tell them how much you like pizza?
No, it would not. If the group is talking about video games, your comment should be about video games.
Is dancing around and singing out loud a good way to get the attention of a group that you want to join?
No, they might think that is weird.
Is tapping someone on the shoulder a good way to try and join a conversation?
No, that could be annoying. Instead, listen to what is being talked about, then wait for a pause before speaking.
Will you always be accepted to join a conversation that a group is having?
No, and that's okay. Half the time people will not want you to join. They may be having a private conversation. You can try again another time.
Is it okay to tell someone that you just met about an argument that your family had that morning?
No. That is personal information. Sharing personal information with someone that you just met could make them feel uncomfortable.
It is important to listen when a friend is speaking so that you can ask a question or make a comment when they are done speaking. True or false?
Absolutely true! Everybody likes to be listened to. By asking a question or making a comment, your friend will know that you were listening.
How can you tell if a group wants you to join them?
Are they talking to me? Are they looking at me? Are they facing me?
Is saying "I'm tired of talking to you" and walking away a good way to end a conversation?
No. That would be rude. It would be better to say "It was great catching up with you. See you soon!"
What does a conversation hog do?
Talks all the time and does not give the other person a chance to say anything.
How can you tell that a group does not want you to join them?
Don't talk to you. Don't look at you. Don't face you.
If you try to join a group, but they don't want to talk to you, what should you do?
Keep your cool. Look away. Turn away. Walk away.