Edit Game
Questions and answers (T2 welcome class game)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much time do you spend online?
Do you know?
When do you feel frightened?
Do you know?
Where can you find lots of shops together?
Do you know?
Which animal is heavier: an elephant or a cow?
Do you know?
Which animal is friendlier: a penguin or a dolphin?
Do you know?
Which animal runs faster? a lion or a tiger?
Do you know?
Who was your favourite singer when you were a kid?
Tell us about it!
Which movie did you watch last time you went to the cinema?
Did you like it?
Tell us the about a place you visited.
Where did you go?
Make a sentence using THERE IS/THERE ARE
Cherries on the cake (affirmative)
Make a sentence using THERE IS/THERE ARE
Sugar for the cake (negative)
Make a sentence using THERE IS/THERE ARE
Eggs in the fridge (question)
When are you going to do your homework?
Don't forget to do it!
Are you going to travel on your next holidays?
Yes or no?
What are your plans for next weekend?
Do you have any?
Are you sleeping now?
Yes or no?
What is your teacher wearing?
Say one thing you are doing and one thing you aren't doing right now.
What are you doing?
MUCH school subjects or MANY school subjects?
Use MUCH or MANY before this word!
MUCH money or MANY money?
Use MUCH or MANY before this word!
MUCH water or MANY water?
Use MUCH or MANY before this word!
Does your mum have to get up early on weekends?
Yes or no?
Say three things you don't have to do at school.
Do you remember any?
Say three things you have to do to help your family at home.
Tell us about your chores!
Do you have to wear a helmet to do skateboarding?
Yes or no?
What sports do you play?
Go sports!
Does the friend next to you like learning English? Why/Why not?
Ask your friend!
Do you have wavy hair?
Yes or no?
Describe what you do on a regular weekend.
Tell us about yourself!
What do you do on Monday mornings?
Tell us about your routine!