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Pre5 Unit 5&6

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you want a chocolate pancake? No thanks, I _________(just eat). I´m still full
have just eaten
I last ______(visit) my cousin in Valencia when she _______(win) a basketmall match
visited won
what_________you_________(do) last night? you ______(do not) reply to my whatsapp message
were , doing didn´t
For my birthday last year my best friend______(give) me a cookery book
As I________(walk) home from school a rabbit ________(jump) in front of me
was walking jumped
When I was young I__________(want) to be a dancer.
I love to work out at the weekends. It makes me feel evergized. What does it mean?
to exercise
I need to cut down on the number of coca-cola I drink. What does this mean?
to reduce
Correct or Incorrect: You should to take an umbrella because it´s going to rain heavily this evening
Incorrect: You should take an umbrella...
Correct or Incorrect? I must to go to the dentist this evening so see you tomorrow.
Incorrect. I must go to the dentist...
Please cover your mouth if you are going to c_________
I hit my leg against a table yesterday, and now it´s blue and black. I have a ______.
The teacher was really angry because________ did their homework.
no one
There´s _________for young people to do in the evening, where I live.
There isn´t __________to eat. Let´s go to Mercadona to buy some food
I don´t want to go to a different school because I won´t know_________there.
Have you got__________ you need to make the pizzas?
There´s _________to do while you wait, so take a book with you
This is _________ you need when you send a letter
I want to get some_________special for your birthday
I´ve looked every_________and I can´t find the book
There´s some__________at the door- who do you think it is?