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The Life Cycle of Flowering Plants

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Tube shaped red flower usually pollinated by ...
humming bird
How does pollination help the plant reproduce?
Pollination brings the male pollen to the female carpel/stigma so that fertilisation can take place to form seeds
How pollination is different to fertilisation?
Pollination : pollen moves from anther to stigma Fertilisation : pollen meets egg to form seed
After fertilisation, petals and stamens of the flower will die. The _______ grows and becomes the fruit.
Toto found a flower that make lots of pollen, not brightly colored and do not have petals or scent. This flower is pollinated by ...
Flowers pollinated by insects usually have ...
brightly colored, scented petal and nectar
Process when seed is spread to get enough space, nutrition and light is called ...
Seed dispersal
Plant seed that can fly is ...
Fruit that eaten by luwak is ...
Coffee bean
Give 2 examples of pollinators
Bee, beetle, butterfly
How many unit for EASE 1
Parts of flower that protect buds is ...
Example of seed that stick on animal fur is ....
Black jack
Plants that dispersed the seed by floating is ....
Mangrove, coconut
Process when pollen meets the egg in ovary is called...
The poppy fruit dispersed the seed by ...
The ... produce pollen.
Sycamore seed dispersed by flying because it has ...
Female parts of flower consist of ... and ...
Ovary, stigma
Flowers attract animal by their ... and ….
nectar, scent, colorful petal