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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he doing?
He is playing football
Is this ice cream?
No, its cake
Whats this?
Its a lamp
Is she a doctor?
No, shes a hairdresser
Is this steak?
No they are shrimp
What is he doing?
He is driving a car
What is she doing?
She is sleeping
What are they doing?
They are dancing
Is this a window?
No, its a door
What’s this
Its an armchair
What’s this?
Its a carpet
Is he happy?
No he is angry
Is he happy or sad?
He is happy
What are these?
They are vegetables
Are they shorts?
Yes they are
What are these?
They are jeans
Are they boots or sandals?
They are sandals
Whats this?
Its a business suit
Is this a jacket or a sweatshirt?
Its a sweatshirt
Is it snowy or stormy?
Its snowy
What’s the weather today?
Its windy
Is it sunny?
No it isnt
What’s the weather today?
Its rainy
Is this pink or orange?
Its orange
Is this green?
No it isnt
What colour is this?
It is red
What colour is this?
It is light blue
These are milkshakes/these is milkshakes?
These are milkshakes
Is this Fish?
No it isnt
Is this spaghetti?
Yes it is
This is hamburger/they are hamburgers ?
They are hamburgers