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PTNS 1 ~PV review~

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the science course is too difficult so many students ............ from the class
drop out
i don't get people who ............. astrology, to be honest
believe in
Mary was depressed, so I took her to a film and she .....................
cheered up
wear nice clothes and be pretty/handsome
dress up
become extinct
die out
call up
to give support to s.o)
back up
to have faith in (sth/s.o)
believe in
to investigate sth
look into (sth)
to abandon efforts / stop doing sth
give up
to avoid (sth)
keep away from
to make unconscious by hitting
knock out
to exit from a small space
get out of
to have progress (in a project/assignment)
get on / get along
my team can't ............. the meaning of this assignment. help!
find out
the police chased the thief to the end of the world, but the cunning thief .....................
got away
sadly Annie and Jennie don't ..................... each other
get along with
to withdraw or stop (from school, group, or activity)
drop out
if you make a mistake, you do this
cross (sth) out
cut relationship with (s.o)
break up
I've been lazy in exercising these weeks, now I'm .................... swimming today
feeling like
make (s.o) feel happier
cheer up