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ENLL P3 Present Perfect

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make this sentence present perfect - They play for the same team.
They have played for the same team.
Make this sentence present perfect - My mother cooks for the family.
My mother has cooked for the family.
Make this sentence present perfect - My mother cooks for the family.
My mother has cooked for the family.
Make this sentence present perfect - The girl prays every night.
The girl has prayed every night.
Make this sentence present perfect - He eats chinese food.
He has eaten chinese food.
Make this sentence present perfect - I believe in magic.
I have believed in magic.
Make this sentence present perfect - I walk to school in the mornings.
I have walked to school in the mornings.
Make this sentence present perfect - I wake up at sunrise every day.
I have woken up at sunrise every day.
Make this sentence present perfect - I visit the temple every morning.
I have visited the temple every morning.
Make this sentence present perfect - I study English with my teacher.
I have studied English with my teacher.
Make this sentence present perfect - I am very ill.
I have been very ill.
Make this sentence present perfect - I sing every morning.
I have sung every morning.
What is the past participle of fly
What is the past participle of teach
What is the past participle of cry
What is the past participle of dance
What is the past participle of bite
What is the past participle of talk
What is the past participle of make
What is the past participle of ran
What is the past participle of stop
What is the past participle of eat
What is the past participle of speak
What is the past participle of write