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Middle School Social Skills

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are listening to the teacher give her lesson, but you feel tired so you put your head down and close your eyes. How does this make your teacher feel? What could you do to show her you are listening?
I should keep my head up and my eyes on the speaker to let them know I am interested in what they have to say.
You're sitting with your family at the dinner table.. You don't like what is being served for dinner. You say, "What is this? It looks disgusting. I won't eat it." How will this make your parents feel? What could you do instead?
They might feel sad that you don't want to try their food. You can say taht you will try out one of the food items they made.
Your internet connection isn't working and you have trouble connecting to your class. You become angry and slam the device on the table. Does that help your situation? What else could you do?
1) Ask your parent to text/email your teacher. 2) Try restarting your device. 3) Breathe. Your teachers will understand--internet issues are normal and common!
Two classmates are playing a game and you want to join. However, the game is only suited for 2 players. You feel frustrated that there is no room for you. What could you do?
You can ask to play in the next round.
You write a paper and the teacher reads it. She has many compliments overall but wants you to go back and fix one part. You become upset and focus on the suggestion for improvement rather than all of the compliments. What should you do?
Think about what your strengths are! Mistakes are opportunities to grow.
Your schedule changed. You will have an assembly instead of your favorite art class. How do you feel and what do you do about it?
Be open-minded. Think about the positives!
You know the answer to a question and class and want to share but the teacher doesn't call on you. You whine out loud and blurt out the answer anyway. How do your teacher and classmates feel? What should you have done?
You can add onto your classmate's answer after they finish sharing.
You are trying to say something to your class on Zoom but no one seems to hear you or be listening to you. You get up, walk away and whine unmuted. Was this an "expected' solution? Could there be a better choice?
Stay patient and wait for the right time to chime in. You can type your answer in the chat to share without interrupting.
You are playing cards with some kids and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red? Why did everyone look at him? How do you think he felt? What could you say or do?
Great problem solving!