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ENLL - MYP 1- L1 - Elements of a fairy tale

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fractured fairy tales are?
A funny twist on the original using similar elements.
What does conflict mean?
Antagonist (evil) tries to beat/thwart the protagonist (good/hero)
What are the morals taught in fairy tales?
Kindness, generosity and patience
What are the magic numbers in fairy tales?
3, 6, 7
Talking animals, magical food, special objects, fairy godmothers → Good/Evil
False - Magic
Classic fairy tales usually have an element of....
How do fairy tales usually end?
..... and they lived happily ever after.
Who wins at the end of fairy tales?
Good guys
What is solved at the end of the fairy tale?
A problem
Are fairy tales usually set in the future or the past?
The past
True or false.. Fairy tales are ALWAYS scary!
Are there usually fairies in fairy tales?
No, not usually.
How do things usually happen in fairy tales?
Threes and sevens
The characters in fairy tales are usually ..........
How do fairytales usually begin?
Once upon a time ...