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Immune System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of blood cells protect out bodies from getting sick?
White Blood Cells
What tries to get into your body if you have a cut?
Pathogens or germs.
What is the third layer of skin called?
The Hypodermis
What is the second layer of skin called?
The Dermis
What is the first layer of skin called?
The Epidermis
How many layers of skin do we have? three or ten?
3 layers
What is one way that pathogens can spread?
Coughing, sneezing, touching without cleaning hands
Out skin allows us to feel which sense? Smell, touch or hearing?
The sense of touch
What is body's barrier to stop germs from getting in?
The Skin
Another word for Pathogen is:
Which system fights against germs?
The immune system