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Farsang celebrations in Hungary

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Theoretically, what might be another purpose of the Busójárás besides scaring away the winter?
Scaring away the Turks.
What are the most famous things to eat during Farsang?
Cabbage, pork, Carnival Doughnuts.
As a part of pagan rituals, what is burnt in a large bonfire on Shrove Thursday?
The Farsang coffin.
What might happen to you at the Busójárás if you are a woman?
You might be chased and scared in a playful way by the scary "Busók".
What do men wear during the Busójárás?
Scary wooden musks with big teeth and horns, dressed in furry sheep's skin.
Busójárás is recognised by UNESCO as an...
Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Which Hungarian town is the home of Busójárás?
What carnivals in the world are similar to Busójárás?
The Rio Carnival and the Venice Carnival.
What is held every second year in Budapest?
The International Circus Festival.
How can you celebrate Torkos Csütörtök in Budapest?
Restaurants offer a 50% discount so you can eat and drink.
How long is the Lenten fasting period for Christians before Easter?
It is 40 days long.
What is Farsang Farka (the tail of Farsang)?
The last three days of the Farsang period.
According to Hungarian tradition, when do families usually throw out the Christmas tree?
On January 6th.
When does the Farsang period end?
On Ash Wednesday, the start of the Christian fasting period.
Farsang is symbolic of...
saying goodbye to winter and looking forward to spring.
What is Farsang the combination of?
Christian traditions and old pagan rituals.
How is Farsang called in the other parts of the world?
When does Farsang start?
On the last day of Christmas which is the 6th of January.