Edit Game
Can you / could you?

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you were 6 could you eat very spicy food? Can you eat very spicy food?
Could you wash your teeth when you were 2? Can you wash your teeth alone?
Could you use chopsticks when you were 4? Can you use chopsticks
Could you make ramen alone when you were 8? Can you make ramen alone?
Could you make your bed when you were 8? Can you make your bed?
Could you do your homework alone when you were 6? Can you do your homework alone?
Could you speak English when you were 6? Can you speak English?
Could you jump the rope when you were 5? Can you jump the rope?
Could you wash the dishes when you were 7? Can you wash the dishes?
could you comb your own hair when you were 4? Can you comb your hair?
Could you tie your shoes when you were 3? Can you tie your shoes?
Could you dress yourself alone when you were 2? Can you dress yourself?
Could your hair alone when you were 7? Can you wash your hair alone?
Could you watch scary movies when you were 4? can you watch scary movies?
Could walk to school when you were 8? Can you walk to school?
Could you use the rice cooker when you were 8? Can you use the rice cooker?
Could you ride a bike when you were 2? Can you write a bike?
Could you use the microwave when you were 6? Can you use the microwave?
Could you stay awake after 9 when you were 6 years old? Can you stay up after 10?
Could you go to the park alone when you were 5? Can you go to the park alone?
Could you go to school when you were 2? Can you to school right now?
Could you play an instrument when you were 7? Can you play an instrument?
Could you walk when you were 8 months old? / Can you walk?
Could you sing when you were 8 years old? / Can you sing?
Could you swim when you were 5? Can you swim?
Could you read when you were 3 years old? / Can you read?