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Water Cycle

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is most of the water on Earth located?
The oceans
What part does gravity play in the water cycle?
The force of gravity helps drive the motion and cycling of water through the water cycle. Gravity pulls condensation towards the Earth.
Name three of the places where water can be collected.
Teacher Check: lakes, rivers, streams, glaciers, ocean, groundwater
What part does the sun play in the water cycle?
The sun provides the heat energy that drives the water cycle.
What is another name for the water cycle?
Hydrologic Cycle
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What part of the water cycle is shown in this image?
What are the arrows showing in this image?
Teacher check: evaporation, precipitation, collection, condensation
Explain collection in your own words.
Collection is when water from the clouds collects in different locations on earth.
Explain precipitation in your own words.
Precipitation is when dense water droplets fall from the clouds due to gravity.
Explain condensation in your own words.
Condensation is when water vapor droplets collect and form clouds because of increased density.
Explain evaporation in your own words.
Evaporation is when water absorbs heat energy and changes into water vapor.
Explain transpiration in your own words.
Transpiration is when plants take up water from the soil and release water vapor into the air through their leaves.
Name three things that drive the motion and cycling of water through the water cycle.
1. The suns energy 2. The force of gravity 3. Density