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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Mrs Cole's dog's name?
Is it a good time to tell a joke when you first meet someone?
No! Be serious when you're first getting to know someone.
Who in our group likes animals?
Instead of telling your friend that you're bored, what could you say to your friend to change the game that you're playing?
"After we're done do you want to do something else?" "Do you want to do something else?"
Do you have to be friends with everyone?
No! Friendship is a choice! You don't have to be friends with everyone, and everyone doesn't have to be friends with you.
How could you end a conversation with a classmate if you want to go and talk with your friend?
"I better get going. It was nice talking with you . I hope that we can talk again soon. Bye!"
How could you end a conversation with your friend if your mom is waiting for you in the car?
"I'm sorry, but my mom is waiting for me. It was nice talking to you. I hope that we can talk again soon. Bye!"
Should you share personal information with someone that you just met?
No.  You may make the person uncomfortable, and they may not want to talk to you in the future.
What's the first thing that you need to remember if you're having an argument with someone?
Keep your cool.
How many times is it okay to call someone if you can't reach them?
What could be a cover story for ending a phone call?
"I have to eat dinner now." "My mom needs to use the phone." "I have to go do my chores."
How do you end a phone call?
Wait for a pause. Give a cover story for going. "Nice talking with you." "I'll see or talk to you soon." "Good-bye"
What is a cover story that you can give for calling someone?
"Just calling to see how you're doing."                                                   "I haven't talked to you in a while."
How do you start a phone call?
Ask for the person that you're calling. Say who you are. Ask how they are.
What could be a follow up question if someone tells you that they like movies?
What kind of movies do you like? Have you seen any good movies lately?
How can you tell if someone wants to talk to you?
Are they talking to me? Are they looking at me? Are they facing me?