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What do the letters DC stand for in the United State's capital Washington D.C.?
District of Columbia
Chris Martin is lead singer of which famous British rock band
Coldplay. Do you like Coldplay?
Which sport is the haka dance associated with?
Rugby. Have you ever watched a game of Rugby?
When was Netflix founded: 1997, 2009, 2015?
What colour is most toilet paper in France?
What city do The Beatles come from?
Liverpool. Do you like the beatles?
Which language has the most words (according to dictionary entries)?
English, 200,000 words
Name the longest river in the world?
The Nile, 6650km. What's the biggest river in your country?
What country has the most islands in the world?
Sweden, over 220,000! Have you been here before?
Until 1923, what was the Turkish city of Istanbul called?
Constantinople. Have you been before?
What’s the national animal of Australia?
Red Kangaroo
What was the most streamed show on Netflix in 2020?
The Umbrella Academy season 2, with 43million streams. Have you seen this before?
For one point, which of these actors is Scottish? Jamie Dornan, Michael Sheen, James McAvoy, Christian Bale
James McAvoy is Scottish. Jamie Dornan is Irish, Michael Sheen is Welsh and Christian Bale is English. What James McAvoy movies can you think of?
Who is the highest spiritual leader of Tibet?
The Dalai Lama. What do you know about Buddhism?
If all of the states of America were placed in alphabetical order, what would be first and last?
First: Alabama. Last: Wyoming. Have you been to the States before?
What did Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams collectively create?
Twitter. Do you use twitter?
Name one landlocked country in Europe
Any of the following 14 countries: Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, San Marino, Serbia, Slovak
Typically, what's the strongest muscle in the human body?
The masseter - the main jaw muscle
Put these Tom Hanks films in chronological order: Catch Me If You Can, Forrest Gump, The Terminal, Bridge Of Spies
Forrest Gump (1994), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Terminal (2004), Bridge Of Spies (2015). Do you like Tom Hanks? Which of his movies is your favourite?
Which planet is closest to the sun?
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci. Do you like art?
In what franchise would you find the character Katniss Everdeen?
The hunger games. Have you seen these movies before?
For one point, put the following Kardashian-Jenners in order of age, oldest to youngest: Khloe, Kylie, Rob, Kourtney, Kendall, Kim, Kris
Oldest to youngest: Kris, 64, Kourtney, 41, Kim, 39, Khloe, 35, Rob, 33, Kendall, 24, Kylie, 22. Have you ever seen the Kardashians?
What's the biggest animal in the world?
The blue whale. Have you ever seen a whale before? What's the biggest animal you have seen?