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My Town and locations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the star?
under the donkey
Where is the star?
on top of the hospital
Where is the star?
on top of the baby´s head
Where is the star?
next to the pineapple
Where is the star?
in front of the pet shop
Where is the star?
between the skateboards
Where is the star?
behind the duck
People have a drink if coffee in the ________.
A home in a building is a_________
What is on top of the table?
spider, books, flowers
What is between the bookcase and the armchair?
the sofa is between the bookcase and the armchair
Where is the lamp?
on the bookcase
What is the name of this place?
Tell me 2 things you can do at the park
ride a bike, play sports, have a picnic, sit on a bench, watch people
What kind of shop is this?
a shoe shop or shoe store
Where is the car?
on the street
Lucy is sitting _______ her mum and her brother.
Grandma Star is sitting ________ Simon.
Grandma Star is sitting _____ ___ Grandpa Star.
next to
Lenny's mom is sitting __ ____ __ Lucy.
in front of
Where is he putting the book?
He is putting it under the chair
She has the book __ ____ of her head.
on top
She is putting the pencil ________ the books.
The boy is sitting _____ __ the girl
next to
Where is she holding the book?
She is holding it in front of her face
Where is he putting the books?
He is putting them on the table
Where is he holding the pencil?
He is holding it behind his head
Where is he holding the pencil?
He is holding the pencil behind his ear