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Insights 2, Chapter 9

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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yli varojen elÀminen
kohdenna rahasi
allocate your money
yksi suurimmista tekijöistÀ
one of the biggest factors
ottaa suurin hyöty irti rahoistasi
make the most of your money
vÀhentÀÀ kuluja
cut (the) expenses
myöhemmÀssÀ vaiheessa
at a later stage
houkutella kokemattomia nuoria
tempt (the) inexperienced youngsters
Tilanteesta tuli ylivoimainen/musertava.
The situation became overwhelming.
jÀrkevÀ rahankÀyttö
judicious use of money
aina silloin tÀllöin
every now and then / every once in a while / now and then
pienillÀ kuluilla on merkitystÀ
little expenses count
academic results
sotkeutuneena velkoihin
entangled in debt
tiedÀ asioidesi tÀrkeysjÀrjestys
know your priorities
vÀlttÀÀ ostamasta jotain, mihin sinulla ei ole varaa
avoid buying something (that) you can't afford
tuhlaavainen elÀmÀntyyli
extravagant lifestyle
pystyÀ elÀmÀÀn mukavasti kiinteillÀ tuloilla
manage to live comfortably with a fixed income
mitÀ tulee raha-asioiden hallintaan
When it comes to money management/managing your finances/money matters
vastuussa ihmisten velkaannuttamisesta
responsible for getting people into debt
tÀmÀn/sen seurauksena
consequently (as a consequence/result)
elÀÀ kuin kitupiikki
live like a miser