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Horrible Harry Test #1 Chapters 1 to 3 Review

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For an ON MY OWN question, you have to use your background knowledge and experiences to tell your OPINION. True OR False?
For an AUTHOR AND ME question, you have to use your background knowledge and what you have read to make an inference. True OR False?
The answer to a THINK AND SEARCH question is found right there one 1 page. True OR False?
The answer to a RIGHT THERE question is found on MANY pages. True OR False?
Who are the characters in chapters 1 to 3?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: Harry, Doug, Ida, Mary, Sid, ZuZu, Song Lee, Miss Mackle, Mrs. Funderburke, Mr. LaFleur
What is the setting for chapters 1 to 3?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: school, playground, cafeteria, Sid's house
Everyone in the world has the SAME perspective. True OR False?
The author of "Horrible Harry Bugs the Three Bears" is Suzy Kline. True OR False?
What were the main events in chapter 3?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: The group goes to Sid's house on Saturday. Harry helps Sid get over his fear of earwigs.
What were the main events in chapter 2?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: The students saw the changes in the cafeteria. Harry had to sit at the royal round table. Harry showed a drawing of an earwig.
What were the main events in chapter 1?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: Harry was digging and found Edward. The students selected "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" for their project.
Use the vocabulary word "beamed" correctly in a sentence.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is acceptable!
Definition: asked something that surprises people ("looking for" OR "popped a question"
"popped a question"
Definition: searching or trying to find something (beamed OR "looking for")
"looking for"
Definition: a practice for a drama or skit ("a no-brainer" OR rehearsal)
Definition: a fun way to say something is completely right and fair ("fair and square" OR "popped a question")
"fair and square"
Definition: something so easy, it's like you don't need your brain to think about it ("looking for" OR "a no-brainer"
"a no-brainer"
Definition: smiled a big smile (beamed OR rehearsal)
Definition: is bothered or annoyed by something ("got bugged" OR "closed her eyes tight")
"got bugged"
Definition: when you shut your eyes and squeeze your cheeks over them, usually because you're thinking hard or because you want something; other times it's because you don't want to see something ("closed her eyes tight" OR royalty)
"closed her eyes tight"
Definition: what you show when you don't like something or when you're being silly ("made a face" OR "got bugged"
"made a face"
Definition: what people in charge give to allow or let others to do something ("made a face" OR permission)
Definition: families with kings and queens (royalty OR "got bugged")
Definition: quickly, right after something else (permission OR immediately)
Definition: sitting down slowly, usually because you're sad, embarrassed, surprised, or really tired (cringed OR "sank into his chair"
"sank into his chair"
Definition: really really not alive, dead (vacant OR "dead as a doornail"
"dead as a doornail"
Definition: finding a way to lose something- throwing it away, selling it, giving it away, or leaving it somewhere ("get rid of" OR "sank into his chair")
"get rid of"
Definition: almost closing your eyes because you feel bad (cringed OR "dead as a doornail")
Definition: not joking, like saying "I agree with you!" or "Wow, I didn't know that." ("get rid of" OR "No kidding!")
"No kidding!"
Definition: completely empty (cringed OR vacant)