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Fast food & Dessert

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Which flavor is not among the top 5 selling Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Pralines 'n Cream and Chocolate Chip.
What was Spam's slogan during Wartime? Miracle in a can or Cold or hot SPAM hits the spot
Miracle in a can
What is Del Taco's slogan? Go bold or Go home or Live everyday like it's Taco Tuesday
Go bold or Go home
What is Wienerschnitzel's Logo? DERlicious or Taste the good stuff
What is McDonald's Slogan? Have it your way or I'm Loving it!
I'm Loving it!
What is Ben & Jerry's Slogan? Vermont's finest or 31 Flavors
Vermont's finest
What is Taco Bell's Slogan? Wake up, Live Mas or Think outside the bread
Wake up, Live Mas
What do the letters in SPAM stand for? Stuff posing as meat or Shoulder of Pork and Ham
Shoulder of Pork and Ham
What drink does Hot Dog on Stick serve? Fresh apple juice or fresh lemonade
Fresh lemonade
What is Dunkin' Donuts Slogan? American runs on Dunkin' or You will love our Donuts!
American runs on Dunkin'