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Getting to know each other

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Controversial opinion: Friends is _____ ______ _______ How I Met Your Mother. (GOOD - comparative + modifier)
Friends is much better than than How I Met Your Mother.
In my opinion, one of ___ _______ fantasy sequels is The Lord of The Rings - but I'm having a crush on Star Wars too! (GOOD - superlative)
In my opinion, one of the best fantasy sequels is The Lord of The Rings - but I'm having a crush on Star Wars too!
I _____ ______ _________ English for almost ten years. (TEACH - Present Perfect Progressive)
I have been teaching English for almost ten years.
I _____ surgery on my nerves to treat a severe sweating problem ten years ago. (HAVE - Past Simple)
I had surgery on my nerves to treat a severe sweating problem ten years ago.
I _____ __ _____ in a choir. (sing - past habit)
I used to sing in a choir.
I _____ ______ (be - Present Perfect) on a quiz show on TV - and I ______ (win - Past Simple) it!
I have been on a quiz show on TV - and I won it!
Weird tastes: The ______ melting the ice cream, the ______ ! (COMPARATIVES)
The more melting the ice cream, the better!