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Ancient Rome

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you call a structure for celebrating important events?
a victory arch
What is the name of a large, oval stadium with seats?
What is a Roman structure for transporting water?
an aqueduct
What is the name of the process of extracting minerals?
What do you call public baths with hot, temperate and cold water?
What is the name of the process when people in conquered territories adopt Roman way of life, culture and language?
What is the name of the language of the Romans?
What do you call the leader of a province?
a governor
What do you call the regions of the Roman Empire outside of Italy?
What is the name for the formation soldiers use protect themselves with shields?
testudo formation
What do you call a weapon for throwing something a long distance?
a catapult
What do you call instruments that can hurt?
What is the name of the wars between Rome and Carthage?
the Punic Wars
What do you call a soldier in the Roman army?
a legionary
What do you call the representatives of the plebeians?
Tribune of the Plebeians
What do you call a person that sells products?
a merchant
What is another name for a farmer?
a peasant
What do you call a person that makes products?
a craftsman
What is the social class of merchants, craftsmen and peasants?
What do you call men from important families who participate in the Senate?
What is the name of the assembly of a group of senators?
the Senate
What is the name of the social class of Roman people from rich and powerful families?
What is government by an emperor?
an empire
What is government by citizens?
a republic
What is government by a king?
a monarchy