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What do you call a circuit with the current distributed on more than one wire?
a parallel circuit
What do you call a circuit with one wire and one path of current?
a series circuit
What do you call the relationship between voltage, current and resistance?
Ohm's Law
What is the measuring unit for power?
watts (W)
What is the measuring unit for electrical energy?
joules (J) or kilowatts per hour (kWh)
What do you call the amount of energy (E) consumed in a unit of time (t)?
What instrument do you use to measure different electric quantities at different scales?
a multimeter
What do you call the opposition of the components to the flow of the electric current? It is represented with the letter R.
What do you call the number of electrons that flows through a point in one second? It is measured in amperes or amps and represented with the letter I (capital i).
What do you call the difference between the electrical energy at two points in an electrical circuit? It is represented with the letter V.
What is the measuring unit for charge? It is represented with the letter Q.
What do you call the amount of energy stored in an object?
the charge
What transforms electrical energy into motion?
a motor
What types of bulbs use light emitting diodes?
LED lights
What types of bulbs use gases to emit light?
fluorescent tubes and low-energy bulbs
What types of bulbs glow when a filament inside it gets white hot?
incandescent and halogen bulbs
What causes heat?
a resistor
What do you call the heating that occurs when an electric current flows through a resistance?
the Joule effect
What is this circuit symbol for? It measures voltage.
a voltmeter
What is this circuit symbol for? It measures the intensity of a current.
an ammeter
What is this circuit symbol for? It shows that wires are connected.
a connection
What is this circuit symbol for? It shows that crossing wires are NOT connected.
a bridge
What is this circuit symbol for? It shows that crossing wires are connected.
crossing wires
What is this circuit symbol for? It produces sound.
a bell
What is this circuit symbol for? It protects the circuit.
a fuse
What is this circuit symbol for? It allows or stops the current from passing through during a certain amount of time.
a push button
What is this circuit symbol for? It alternates the current between two circuits.
a 3-way switch
What is this circuit symbol for? It allows or stops current from passing through.
a switch
What is this circuit symbol for? It generates heat and reduces current.
a resistor
What is this circuit symbol for? It generates motion.
a motor
What is this circuit symbol for? It produces light.
a light bulb
What is this circuit symbol for? It generates current.
a battery
What component interrupts the flow of a current when it gets too high?
a protection component
What do you call a control component that has a fixed position that changes when you press it?
a push button
What do you call a control component that can communicate with two different circuits?
a 3-way switch
What do you call a control component that has two positions?
a switch
What do you call the components that manage the flow of the current?
control components
What component transforms electric energy into more useful type of energy?
a receptor
What do you call a set of components through which an electric current flows?
an electric circuit
What do you call a generator that produces energy from oxygen in the air and hydrogen?
a hydrogen cell
What do you call a generator that uses energy from the sun to produce an electrical current?
a photovoltaic solar cell
What do you call a generator that transforms motions into an electrical current?
an alternator
What do you call a generator that uses chemical processes to produce an electrical current?
a battery
What do you call a device that produces energy for electrons to move?
a generator
What do you call a material that DOES NOT allow electricity to pass through it?
an insulator
What do you call a material that allows electricity to pass through it?
a conductor
What do you call the continuous flow of electric charges through a material?
an electric current
What do you call a particle WITHOUT an electric charge?
a neutron
What do you call a positively charged particle?
a protron
What do you call a negatively charged particle?
an electron