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Past Times review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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rewrite the sentences starting with - After - We waited for two hours. The bus eventually arrived.
After we`d waited for two hours, the bus eventually arrived
rewrite the sentences starting with - While - I stayed in Romania. I visited lots of interesting places there.
While I was staying in Romania, I visited lots of interesting places.
rewrite the sentences starting with - After - I earned some money. Then we went travelling.
After I`d earned some money, we went travelling
rewrite the sentences starting with - When - I saw the advert. I immediately decided to apply
When I saw the advert, I immediately decided to apply
rewrite the sentences starting with - While - I worked in Argentina. I made some good friends.
While I was working in Argentina, I made some good friends
He left. Then I did my homework. - rewrite the sentences starting with - After ...
After he`d left, I did my homewrork
Danya was exhausted because he (study) physics since 9 am
had been studying
Kolya and Andrew (watch) anime every day, but now they have to prepare for the exams :(
would watch/ used to watch
Danel found an interesting article on Gerund while he (surf) the Internet.
was surfing
Last Sunday, Alice (go) to her bday party
The sun (not shine) when Vanya woke up this morning.
wasn`t shining
We waited/were waiting near the classroom when we saw happy Matvei
were waiting