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The Good Dinosaur

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many times did Ms. Bottino cry?
at least 3
Who tricked Arlo with the fake chicken? Buck, Libby, Poppa
What does libby do to make her mark? Plow a field, clearing a field, getting rid of a critter
Plowing the field
What kind of dinosaur is Arlo? Brontosaurus, Apatosaurus, Allosaurus
What kind of dinosaur is Forrest Woodbush?
What happened when Spot and Arlo ate old berries?
They ended up on a psychological trip.
Who is this? Bubba, Earl or Debbie?
Who is this? Earl, Buck or Thunderclap
What type of weathering did the gophers cause: physical or chemical?
What is the name of the "critter"?
Who is Debbie?
One of Forrest Woodbush’s pets- a bright red bird who seems to be Forrest’s favorite.
How did Butch (the T Rex) get the scar on his face?
A croc bit him
What kind of crop do the dinosaurs grow?
How do the dinosaurs plow the field?
With their heads
Who hatched first: Arlo, Libby or Buck?
What is the name of the main dinosaur character?