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Littlle Bear

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can Little Bear do to make Mother Bear happy?
Go to sleep
Does Mother Bear make Little Bear happy?
What wish was Mother Bear able to give to Little Bear?
Tell him a story.
What did Little Bear think the princess would offer him?
What was he going to get Mother Bear from China?
What did Little Bear wish for?
He could visit lots of different places
Did Little Bear think the Earth and the Moon looked the same?
Where did Little Bear land?
At the bottom of the hill
Was Little Bear imaginative or grumpy?
How did Little Bear plan to fly or run to the Moon?
Did Little Bear have a space helmet or a new plane?
A space helmet
Did Little Bear really go to the Moon?
What is the setting?
Small Hill, Little Bear's House/Town, Little Bear's Imagination
Who are the characters?
Little Bear and Mother Bear