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Groundhog Day

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True or False. Phil lives in the Punxsutawney library?
Why are Groundhogs also known as wood chucks? A)Because they like to eat flowers, B) they like to eat wood, C)they like to eat other animals.
They like to eat wood
What country did Groundhogs Day originate? Canada, United states, or Germany?
True or False. Are Phil's weather predictions scientific?
What is a meteorologist? A person who play sports or a person that predicts the weather?
person who predicts the weather
Who is one of the most famous residents of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania? Mickey mouse, Bambi, Phil
True or False? The groundhog ceremony takes place at “Gobbler's Knob."
True or False? The City of Punxsutawney holds a special festival in honor of Phil.
True or False? The ceremony begins after sunrise, in the late morning
False, it happens before sunrise
True or False? groundhogs only have a life expectancy of 10 years in captivity?
True or False? "Phil has been sharing his predictions with the world for more than 120 years".
True or False? The “Inner Circle" takes care of Phil year-round.
Is Phil's prediction scientific? True or False
True or False? According to legend “Groundhogese" is a secret language that Phil uses to communicate?
If it is sunny and the groundhog sees his shadow, what will happen? early spring or 6 more weeks of winter?
6 more weeks of winter
When is Groundhog day? January 23, February 2, March 4?
February 2.
Groundhogs are also called Woodchucks. (True, False)
If the groundhog does not see his shadow, legend says we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Is this statement True or False?
False, it will be an early Spring