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Mixtures and Solutions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does property mean?
characteristic used to describe something
What are 3 physical property?
size, shape, and color
Give me a example of solid?
Give an example of a liquid?
Give me an example of a Gas?
What are the 3 states of matter?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
How would you separate paperclips from a mix of paperclips, toothpicks, and lead for a pencil?
a magnet
How would you separate salt from the solution of salt water?
How would you separate gravel mix from water?
How would you separate a mix of toothpicks and sand?
pour water and the the tooth picks should float to the top.
What is the solvent in Kool Aid? Hint: is it water or Kool aid/sugar
What is the solute in Kool Aid? Hint is it the water or the Kool Aid/sugar
Kool Aid/ Sugar
Give 3 examples of a mixture?
Chex mix, mix of nuts, and cereal
Give me 3 examples of Solution?
salt water, drink mix and water, Kool-Aid
When you add salt to water does the mass of the solution increase or stay the same from just having water?
I have a bag of Chex mix that includes peanuts, cereal, pretzels, and M&M. Is this a Mixture or a Solution?
When I make tea am I making a Mixture or a Solution?
A very fine mesh screen with super small holes used to separate items.
A mesh like tool used to separate small rocks from water is a called a_________.
When separating items based on color, size, shape or texture you are looking at its _______
When you divide or take items out of a mixture.
Two or more substances added together that can be separated.
What happens to salt when it is added to water?
The salt dissolves.
A mixture that is created when one substance dissolves in another. Is called a _______.
In salt water the salt dissolves in the water. The water is called the
In salt water, the salt dissolves in the water the salt is called the ___________.