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Job Hunting V

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to communicate, to make something known
What phrasal verb can we use to emphasize or highlight something (even exxagerate)??
to play up (stand out)
What expression would you use to promote an area of your CV that would make it more attractive to a company?
A selling point
What would you call the past achievements or performance of a person, organization, or product?
A proven track record
What is the term used for a person who is new to a job or a area of expertise?
A novice
What do we call the traits that make you a good employee, such as etiquette, communication and listening, getting along with other people.
Soft Skills
What do we call skills that are teachable and measurable abilities, such as writing, reading, math or ability to use computer programs?
Hard skills
What verb means: to cause danger, risk, or peril to something (like your chances to get a job)?
To jeopardise
What phrasal verb do we use to mean: make something distinctive or different?
Stand out
What do we call the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity?
Digital footprint
What terms do we use to talk about your best and worst qualities when applying for a job?
your strengths and weaknesses
What do we known as the competence or knowledge in a specified area? (social media______)
social media literacy
What do we call "fashionable words" like "blue sky thinking"(brainstorming)?