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Shops & Services

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Try to find something in a shop (Phrasal Verb)
To look for
How do we say when there is something not available in a shop? Be....
be out of
How do we say: "to walk round a shop to see what there is"?
To look round
How do we say that something is not available anymore (because all the items have been sold)?
It's sold out
What does it mean if we say that a shop has closed down?
It has stopped doing business
What do you do in a shop when you want to see how a jacket looks on you?
To try it on
Where could you buy vegetables and fruit?
At a greengrocer's
What is a DIY store?
A shop where you can buy tools and material for Do IT Yourself
What can you buy at a butcher's
Where could you buy this?
at a jeweller's
What shop is this?
A florist's
Where would you buy school supplies?
At a stationer's / stationery shop
What do you call a shop that has many locations? (Ex: Zara)
A chain store
What's a launderette?
A place to wash your clothes
Where would you go to book some holidays?
To a travel agent's
Where would you go to have a haircut?
To the hairdresser's
What shop is this?
A chemist's
Where would you go to look for a new house?
To a estate agent's
Where could you buy the newspaper and cigarettes?
At a newsagent's
Where could you buy bread?
At a baker's
What shop is this?