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Be Loyal, As Jesus Was
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can the video help you in the congregation?
What amazed you the most about the video?
What should be our determination?
To appreciate the ones Jehovah has chosen
Who chooses the ones that serve in the congregation and how?
Jehovah because....
When we talk against a brother that is taking the lead, who are we talking against about?
What is the only reason we can serve Jehovah the way we do? Why do you think so?
Only because of Jehovah's power because....
Why was a wrong thing to say that Sergey was better than the circuit overseer?
When brothers started to say all those good things about Sergey, how did he react?
How do you think Sergey felt when brothers say he was better than the circuit overseer?
Why did the brothers believed Sergey was better prepared to be the circuit overseer?
Did Sergey see his father after prison? How do you think that affected him?
What did the brothers say to Sergey after dinner?
They say Sergey was wise beyond his years.
Sergey's wife's name is....
Who did Sergey meet in the congregation he was visiting?