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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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EXPLAIN the expression hands down
EXPLAIN the word complimentary!
What are the most important 8 things you would need in your first flat?
Tell me something about a visit to another country where you had to face new customs. What did you learn?
Tell me something about a good experience in a PE lesson.
EXPLAIN the word purpose!
EXPLAIN the word hatred!
EXPLAIN the word baggage -reclaim area!
EXPLAIN the word annoyed!
EXPLAIN the word revelation!
EXPLAIN the word dizzy!
TRANSLATE: Kun olin sinkku, ahdistuneisuuteni turmeli elämääni.
When I was a single, my anxiety ruined my life.
TRANSLATE: 9/Meidän täytyy ennakoida ja keskittyä tulevaisuuteen. 10/En ollut valmistautunut vastaamaan isoisän kysymyksiin.
9/ We have to think ahead and focus on the future. 10/ I wasn't prepared for answering grandfather's questions.
TRANSLATE: 9/ Kansalaisina meillä on oikeus sanoa, mitä ajattelemme.10/Njau, kenialainen maahanmuuttaja Britanniassa, ansaitsee elantonsa tullivirkailijana lentokentällä.
9/ Kansalaisina meillä on oikeus sanoa, mitä ajattelemme.10/ Njau, a Kenian immigrant in Britain, earns his living as an immigration officer at the airport.
TRANSLATE: En tajunnut, että elin unelmaani
I didn't realize that I was living my dream.
Were you ever sent to the principal’s office? Why? What happened there? Or did you have to stay behind at school for some reason? Why?
Did you perform in a school play or a musical production? Were you nervous before the performance? How did it go?
Tell me something about your school mates! What is the atmosphere like in your class?
How would you describe our school in 3 sentences?
Describe your first home all by yourself!