Edit Game

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jason ___________________________ (wear) a suit and a tie when I ______________ (see)him yesterday.
was wearing / saw
Peter _________________________ (play) football when he ________________ (break) his leg.
was playing / broke
Yesterday I _______________ (see) an old friend while I __________________ (cross) the street.
saw / was crossing
Yesterday while I _________________________________ (clean) the house I _________________________________________ (find) my money.
was cleaning / found
Last night while we ________________________________ (watch) an exciting programme, the electricity _________________________ (go) out.
were watching / went
Yesterday David _____________________________ (cross) the street when a lorry ___________ (turn) the corner very fast and almost ___________ (hit) him.
was crossing / turned / hit
When the alarm clock (ring) _____, I ____________________________ (sleep).
rang / was sleeping
I turned the radio on while my dad ________________________ (make) dinner.
was making
Mary put her hand up while the teacher ____________________________ (talk).
was talking
When Kristin called Mark last night, he ______________________________ (study).
was studying
The children ________________________ (come) home while their mother ________________________________________ (cook) dinner in the kitchen.
came / was cooking
While we _________________________ (do) my homework my father came home.
were doing
The ink finished while I ________________________________ (sign) the contract.
was signing
When the teacher walked into the classroom, the students ___________________________ (talk) to each other.
were talking
While I __________________________ (wash) the dishes last night, I ______ (drop) a plate.
was washing / dropped
While I _________________________ (walk) to school, it began to rain.
was working