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Lesson 1: Identifying Ratios Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mike was doing his homework, for every 5 minutes he spent on math, he spent 7 minutes on his Science. Using scrap paper to draw a tape diagram, what is the ratio if he spends 21 minutes on Science?
Mason and Laney ran laps to train for long distance running team. The ratio of the number of laps Mason ran to the number of laps Laney ran was 2:3. Use a scrap piece of paper and create a tape diagram to find 2 times the original ratio.
When given the ratio 3:5, could this statement be true or false? - For every 3 green shirts, there are 5 pairs of pants.
Simplify the following ratio: 4 to 12
At the principal's breakfast, there were 40 donuts placed out. At the end of the breakfast, 24 remained. What is the ratio of donuts placed out to donuts remain?
For every 3 cats there are 4 lizards. What are three ways to write this ratio?
3:4, 3 to 4, and 3/4
For every 9 tablespoons of sugar in a recipe, there are 12 tablespoons of flour. What is the ratio of flour to sugar?
For every one girl on the soccer team, there are 4 boys. What is the ratio of girls to boys?
1 to 4